The Village of Orchard, Nebraska, is contemplating applying for Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) from the Nebraska Department of Economic Development (NDED) for Public Works funds to assist with Paving Improvements. The Village of Orchard is considering awarding a contract for grant writing and subsequent general administration services for this project if awarded funds. The selected administrator will be required to assist the Village with: 1. Preparing an application for submission to the NDED 2. Conducting a public hearing in preparation of the application If funds are awarded to the Village of Orchard, the selected administrator will be required to assist the Village with: 1. Providing required data needed for meeting special grant conditions. 2. Establishing and maintaining all files as required by the NDED 3. Preparing and submitting required Performance Reports, and 4. Meeting all requirements of State and Federal laws, rules, and regulations and other laws, regulations, and assurances required by NDED The administrator must have a current administration certification from NDED, and perform his/her services according to project performance and implementation schedule that has been approved by NDED. The selection of a GRANTWRITER AND PROJECT ADMINISTRATOR will be according to the following criteria: 1. Technical expertise of the firm in connection with the type of services to be provided and the complexity of the project (30 points). 2. Past record of performance on administrative contracts with other clients including quality of work, timeliness and cost control (30 points). 3. Capacity of the firm to perform the work within the time limitations, taking into consideration the current and planned workload of the firm (20 points). 4. Familiarity with the CDBG Guidelines (20 points). 5. Cost of services (5 points). Total possible points = 105 points Elaborate artwork and expensive presentation aids are not necessary nor encouraged. On or about July 31, 2019, the Village will evaluate all submittals. Upon selection, the top qualified firm will meet with the Village Board for the purpose of contract negotations for a fixed price or not to exceed contract. Cost and percentage of cost contracts are not allowed. Contract award of the Project Administration portion of the project will be contingent upon Notice of Award and Release of Funds by the NDED. The Village of Orchard is an equal opportunity employer and requires all contractors and consultants to comply with all applicable Federal and State laws and regulations. Six copies of the Proposal are required by 12:00 Noon, Local Time, July 29, 2019, in the office of: Brenda Harrison, Village Clerk Village of Orchard 230 North Windom P.O. Box 256 Orchard, NE 68764 Please mark your envelope CDBG GRANTWRITER AND PROJECT ADMINISTRATOR. If you have any questions, please contact the Village of Orchard at 402-893-3811. Brenda Harrison Village Clerk Published July 10, 2019 ZNEZ NOTICE Board of Commissioners Meeting
Notice is hereby given that the County Board of Commissioners of Antelope County, Nebraska will hold a County Board of Commissioners Meeting in the Commissioner’s Meeting Room in the Antelope County Courthouse Annex, Neligh, Nebraska on Tuesday, July 23, 2019 at 9:00 AM, for the purpose of regular business and review of County Office Budgets. This meeting will be conducted as usual, with the Board of Equalization meeting during the session. Meeting will be opened to the public. An agenda, kept continuously current, is available for public inspection at the Antelope County Clerk’s office and may be modified at such meeting to include items of an emergency nature pursuant to Section 84-1411 of the Nebraska Revised Statutes. Published July 10, 2019 ZNEZ NOTICE OF MEETING COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS AS A COUNTY BOARD OF EQUALIZATION, ANTELOPE COUNTY, NEBRASKA
Notice is hereby given that the County Board of Commissioners of Antelope County, Nebraska will hold a County Board of Equalization meeting in the Commissioner’s Room in the Antelope County Courthouse Annex, Neligh, Nebraska on Tuesday, July 23, 2019 at 9:05 AM, for the purpose of permissive exemption hearing on Saint Boniface Church of Elgin, legal description described as: West 53’, Lot 4, Block 1, Remington Bowens Addition, City of Elgin, Antelope County, Nebraska; also protests, over-under report, approving tax roll corrections, motor vehicle exemptions and various other items which may become necessary to act upon. Meeting will be opened to the public. An agenda, kept continuously current, is available for public inspection at the Antelope County Clerk’s office and may be modified at such meeting to include items of an emergency nature pursuant to Section 84-1411 of the Nebraska Revised Statutes. Published July 10, 2019 ZNEZ Nebraska Unified District #1
Board of Education Meeting Thursday, July 18, 2019 Orchard Public School P.O. Box 248 Orchard, NE 68764-0248 Board of Education Regular Meeting 7:00 PM 1. Call Meeting to Order, Review Nebraska Open Meetings Act, and Recognize Visitors 2. Approve Agenda 3. Possible Motion on Board Member Absence 4. Public Participation(15 Minutes Allowed) 5. Approve Minutes of Previous Meeting 6. Approve Treasurers Report 7. Approve Unified Bills 8. Approve NRCSA Membership for 2019-2020 9. Approve the Superintendent as the School District Representative for State & Federal Program 10. Review the Northern Tier External Visit Exit Report 11. NASB Update 12. Unification & Consolidation Information & Discussion 13. Set Next Meeting Date 14. Adjourn The agenda sequence is provided as a courtesy only. The board reserves the right to consider each item in any sequence it deems appropriate. Therefore, we encourage visitors to attend the meeting from the beginning. The tentative agenda contains a list of subjects known at the time of distribution. A copy of the agenda reflecting any changes will be available for public inspection at the administrative office at Orchard during normal business hours. This agenda may be changed up to 24 hours before the scheduled commencement of the meeting. Published July 10, 2019 ZNEZ NOTICE OF MEETING
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that due to a lack of a quorum for the regular meeting of the Neligh City Council on July 9th , the meeting has been rescheduled to Tuesday, July 16th at the Neligh City Council Chambers. An agenda kept continuously current is available for inspection at the office of the city clerk. City of Neligh /s/ Danielle Klabenes City Clerk NOTICE OF INCORPORATION OF ANTELOPE COUNTY FOOD PANTRY
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Antelope County Food Pantry, a Nebraska non-profit corporation, is organized under the laws of the State of Nebraska, with its registered office at 11404 West Dodge Road, Suite 500, Omaha, NE 68154. The Corporation is a public benefit corporation, which is organized for a public or charitable purpose. The Corporation commenced its existence on June 19, 2019, and its existence on June 19, 2019, and its duration is perpetual. Its affairs are to be conducted by the Board of Directors of the Corporation, the number of which shall be specified in the Bylaws of the Corporation. Richard D. Myers Diane M. Wilson Organizers Published July 3, 2019 ZNEZ MEETING NOTICE
The Village of Ewing will hold a meeting July 8, 2019 at 7:00 pm at the city offices. Published July 3, 2019 ZNEZ PUBLIC NOTICE
A Special Joint Meeting of the Clearwater Original Board of Education, the Ewing Board of Education, and the Orchard Original Board of Education will be held on: Wednesday, July 10, 2019 at 7:00 pm (@ Ewing Public School) 416 N. Spruce Street – Ewing, NE 68735 AGENDA 1. Call Meeting to Order 2. Approve Agenda & Recognize Visitors 3. Approve Board Member Absence 4. Public Participation 5. Discussion & Possible Motion on Architectural Contract 6. Discussion & Possible Motion on Selection of Construction Manager 7. Discussion & Possible Approval of Reorganization Petition 8. Review of Project Schedule 9. Adjourn The tentative agenda contains a list of subjects known at the time of distribution. A copy of the agenda reflecting any changes will be available for public inspection at the administrative offices during normal business hours. This agenda may be changed up to 24 hours before the scheduled commencement of the meeting. Published July 3, 2019 ZNEZ INVITATION TO BID
Sealed Proposals for the construction of “Oakdale South for Antelope County, Nebraska,” JEO Project No. 190668.00, QuestCDN No. 6423747, will be received by the County Clerk at 501 Main Street, PO Box 26, Neligh, NE 68756-0026, until 10:00 AM on the 23rd day of July, 2019, and thereafter will be read aloud. The work is generally described as follows: Bridge repair Opinion of Probable Cost $180,000.00 Proposals will be taken for said construction work listed above by unit prices, as an aggregate bid for the entire project. All Proposals for said construction work must be made on blanks furnished by the Engineer and must be accompanied by Bid Security of not less than 5% of the amount bid. Bid Security to be made payable to the Treasurer of Antelope County as liquidated damages in case the bid is accepted and the bidder neglects or refuses, to enter into contract and furnish bond in accordance herewith. Copies of the contract documents are on file with Antelope County for examination by bidders. Complete digital project bidding documents are available at JEO’s website at for $20.00. An optional paper set of project documents is available for a non-refundable price of $75.00 per set. Please send your check payable to JEO Consulting Group, Inc. at 803 W Norfolk Avenue, Norfolk, NE 68701. If you have any questions, contact us at 402.371.6416. In order to bid the project, the contract documents must be issued directly by JEO Consulting Group, Inc. or QuestCDN to the bidder. The Owner reserves the right to waive informalities and irregularities and to make awards on bids which furnish the materials and construction that will, in their opinion serve the best interests of the Owner, and also reserves the right to reject any and/or all bids. ANTELOPE COUNTY, NEBRASKA Tom Borer, Board Chairperson ATTEST: Lisa Payne County Clerk Published July 3, 10, 17 2019 ZNEZ Meeting Notice
Neligh-Oakdale Board of Education 6th & J Street, Neligh, NE 68756 PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that the Neligh-Oakdale Public School, District 9 Board of Education, will hold their regular July Board Meeting on Monday, July 8th at 7:00 PM. The public meeting will be held in the Board Meeting Room, 6 th J Street, Neligh, Nebraska. An agenda, kept continuously current, is available for inspection at the office of the superintendent during normal business hours. Scott Gregory, Superintendent of Neligh-Oakdale Schools Published July 3, 2019 ZNEZ NOTICE
The Village of Ewing, Nebraska, is contemplating applying for Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) from the Nebraska Department of Economic Development (NDED) for Public Works funds to assist with Street Improvements. The Village of Ewing is considering awarding a contract for grant writing and subsequent general administration services for this project if awarded funds. The selected administrator will be required to assist the Village with: 1. Preparing an application for submission to the NDED 2. Conducting a public hearing in preparation of the application If funds are awarded to the Village of Ewing, the selected administrator will be required to assist the Village with: 1. Providing required data needed for meeting special grant conditions 2. Establishing and maintaining all files as required by the NDED 3. Preparing and submitting required Performance Reports, and 4. Meeting all requirements of State and Federal laws, rules, and regulations and other laws, regulations, and assurances required by NDED. The administrator must have a current administration certification from NDED, and perform his/her services according to project performance and implementation schedule that has been approved by NDED. The selection of a GRANTWRITER AND PROJECT ADMINISTRATOR will be according to the following criteria: 1. Technical expertise of the firm in connection with the type of services to be provided and the complexity of the project (30 points). 2. Past record of performance on administrative contracts with other clients including quality of work, timeliness and cost control (30 points). 3. Capacity of the firm to perform the work within the time limitations, taking into consideration the current and planned workload of the firm (20 points). 4. Familiarity with the CDBG Guidelines (20 points). 5. Cost of services (5 points). Total possible points = 105 points. Elaborate artwork and expensive presentation aids are not necessary nor encouraged. On or about July 31, 2019, the Village will evaluate all submittals. Upon selection, the top qualified firm will meet with the Village Board for the purpose of contract negotiations for a fixed price or not to exceed contract. Cost and percentage of cost contracts are not allowed. Contract award of the Project Administration portion of the project will be contingent upon Notice of Award and Release of Funds by the NDED. The Village of Ewing is an equal opportunity employer and requires all contractors and consultants to comply with all applicable Federal and State laws and regulations. Six copies of the Proposal are required by 12:00 Noon, Local Time, July 29, 2019, in the office of: Sharon Swails, Village Clerk Village of Ewing 209 E. Nebraska Ewing, NE 68735 Please mark your envelope CDBG GRANTWRITER AND PROJECT ADMINISTRATOR. If you have any questions, please contact the Village of Ewing at 402-626-7718. Sharon Swails Village Clerk Published July 3, 2019 ZNEZ NELIGH-OAKDALE BOARD OF EDUCATION
NELIGH-OAKDALE PUBLIC SCHOOL JUNE 24, 2019 EMERGENCY BOARD OF EDUCATION MEETING Board President Ryan Koinzan called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM. The roll call was answered by Ryan Koinzan, Cory Furstenau, Kevin Hild, Scott Svatos, Kenny Reinke, and Ron Gilg. Also in attendance were Superintendent Scott Gregory, Principals Mary Schrader and Ben Dempsey, and news agent Jennifer Higgins. New Business Superintendent Gregory summarized his letter of resignation effective August 5, 2019. Gilg moved to accept the resignation with regrets; Reinke seconded; and the motion passed 6-0, RCV. With no further business, Furstenau moved to adjourn at 7:09 PM; Hild seconded; and the motion carried 6-0, RCV. Ronald Gilg, Secretary Published July 3, 2019 ZNEZ NELIGH CITY COUNCIL AGENDA
Tuesday, July 9, 2019 at 7:00 P.M. at the Neligh City Council Chambers A copy of the Open Meetings Law is posted on the east wall for the public. The Public has the right to public participation. NELIGH CITY COUNCIL 7:00 1 The Mayor will declare the meeting open. 7:01 2. The City Clerk will call roll. 7:02 3. The June 2019 regular and special meeting minutes will be presented for consideration. 7:03 4. The treasurer’s report for June 2019 will be presented. 7:05 5. Consideration and possible action to vacate alley lying in Block 99 for construction of new commercial building will be held. 7:15 6. Consideration and possible action for plumbing license for Beau Heithoff will be held. 7:25 7. Consideration and possible action for sale, disposal or donation of 2004 Dial-A-Ride van will be held. 7:35 8. Discussion and possible action for an Inter-local Agreement between the City of Neligh and the Antelope County Library Association will be presented for renewal. 7:40 9. The Economic Development report will be presented. a) Consideration and possible action for Downtown Revitalization applications will be held. b) Discussion and possible action for Memorandum of Understanding for the City of Neligh to partner with the New Moon Community Theater will be held. 7:55 16. The June Police Report will be heard. 8:05 17. The City Supt.’s report will be presented. a) Consideration and possible action for Penn Park backfill to pre-flood of March 2019 will be held. b) Consideration and possible action for proposal from Antelope County for street improvements on Cemetery Road will be held. c) Discussion and possible action for recommendation from Park Board to hire lifeguard will be held. d) Consideration and possible action for sealed bids on surplus property of John Deere mower will be held. 8:25 18. Electric operations report will be heard. 8:35 19. Discussion and possible action for nursing home contracts will be held. 8:40 20. Bills will be presented for approval. 8:45 21. The Mayor will call for adjournment. “THE COUNCIL WILL REVIEW THE ABOVE MATTERS AND TAKE SUCH ACTION AS THEY DEEM APPROPRIATE. THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL RESERVE THE RIGHT TO ENTER INTO EXECUTIVE SESSION” Published July 3, 2019 ZNEZ NOTICE OF MEETING
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the regular meeting of the Neligh City Council will be held Tuesday, July 9, 2019 at 7:00 P.M. at the Neligh City Council Chambers. An agenda kept continuously current is available for inspection at the office of the city clerk. City of Neligh /s/ Danielle Klabenes City Clerk Published July 3, 2019 ZNEZ NOTICE OF INTENT TO REVOKE A CONSTRUCTION & OPERATING PERMIT
Nebraska Department of Environmental Quality Water Permits Division Lincoln, Nebraska The Nebraska Department of Environmental Quality (Department) is issuing notice to provide an opportunity for any interested person to submit written comments, objections, and/or hearing requests concerning the revocation of a Construction and Operating Permit issued to the following concentrated animal feeding operation (CAFO). The Public Comment period will run from July 3, 2019 through August 2, 2019. Curtis Lemburg Curtis and Sara Lemburg dba Lemburg Farms 84450 506th Avenue Ewing, NE 68735 The Department proposes to revoke the Construction and Operating Permit issued to the CAFO located in the NW 1/4, Section 09, Township 24N, Range 09W, Wheeler County, Nebraska. This proposed revocation is based on a January 10, 2019 inspection conducted by Department representatives in accordance with the Nebraska Livestock Waste Management Act and Title 130, Livestock Waste Control Regulations. At the time of inspection, the CAFO had reduced livestock numbers, and is currently operating as a medium animal feeding operation (AFO). The inspection revealed no evidence that the AFO had discharged pollutants to waters of the State and determined it is not likely that such a discharge might occur. As a result, the Department deems the operation eligible for an exemption from permitting requirements upon revocation of the permit. Revocation of this permit by the Department does not relieve the operation of other duties and responsibilities under the Nebraska Environmental Protection Act, the Nebraska Livestock Waste Management Act or Title 130. Principally, the operation is responsible for preventing any discharge of livestock waste to waters of the State. Department staff will conduct periodic inspections of the operation to monitor compliance with these regulatory requirements. Violations of state regulations could result in fines, civil or criminal penalties or removal of the livestock from the operation. If, in the future, the AFO would seek to expand or modify its current operating style, they must first request an inspection by the Department prior to starting construction or implementing any modifications. The inspection report, fact sheet and other public information are available for review and copying between 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. (CT), weekdays, excluding holidays at the Department’s Office, Suite 400, The Atrium, 1200 N Street, Lincoln, Nebraska, 68508-8922; Telephone (402) 471-2186; FAX: (402) 471-2909; or E-Mail: [email protected]. Individuals requiring special accommodations or alternate formats of materials should notify the Department by calling (402) 471-2186. TDD users should call (800) 833-7352 and ask the relay operator to call the Department at (402) 471-2186. Please include the above name and legal description of the concentrated animal feeding operation. All comments received during the public comment period will be considered in the final decision for revocation of the Construction and Operating Permit. A request for a public hearing must be submitted in writing and must state the nature of the issues proposed to be raised at a hearing. A determination to hold a hearing will be based on factual environmental or regulatory considerations. All public comments and requests for hearings may be submitted in writing to: Agriculture Section, Nebraska Department of Environmental Quality, PO Box 98922, Lincoln, Nebraska 68509-8922. Published July 3, 2019 ZNEZ Antelope County Board of Commissioners
Neligh, Nebraska June 25th , 2019 Chairman opened meeting. Notice of meeting published as required by statute. Approve Agenda. Approved minutes of June 11 th , 2019 BOC meeting. Correspondence was reviewed. Committee reports heard. Zoning Administrator Report. Approved Protex Central three (3) year contract. Approved changing start time of second meeting of the month to 8:00 AM for claim review. Road Boss Report. Approved to advertise for Poor Farm Bridge repairs. Approve pay application and change order for Knife River. Approve pay application and change order for A&R Construction. Approved Village of Oakdale to place a sign on Oakdale Cutacross. Approve fixing and overlaying of Cemetery Road. Approved paying vendor claims. General: Antelope Co Treasurer, ex 950,000.00; Luann Bartos, mlg 46.76; Bear Graphics, ex 735.00; Black Hills Energy, ut 168.86; Bomgaars, ex 249.60; Boyd’s Electrical Ser, ex 865.93; CDW Government, ex 1902.36; Centec Cast Prod, ex 370.51; Clearwater Record, ex 127.70; Country Inn, ex 212.00; Liz Doerr, ex 11.70; Eakes Office, ex 877.59; Andy Elder, mlg 25.00; Elgin One Stop, ex 27.60; Elite Office, ex 10,068.73; Embassy Suites, ex 276.00; Kathy Feusse, mlg 11.60; Tessa Hain, ex 92.35; Lyle Hart, ex 200.00; Holiday Inn Exp, ex 330.00; Holiday Inn, ex 199.90; Jack’s Uniforms, ex 93.90; Law Enforcement, ex 150.00; Madison Co Sheriff, ex 105.28; MIPS, ex 2662.21; Sandra Moser, mlg 22.50; NACO, ex 180.00; NE Health & Human, ex 183.00; Neligh News, ex 98.30; Office Depot, ex 2314.21; Office Systems, ex 1149.46; Petty Cash (Dist Court), ex 37.50; Petty Cash (Sheriff), ex 7.45; Pinnacle Bank, ex 580.79; Pitzer Digital, ex 705.60; Prairie Hills Ford, ex 31,560.00; Protex Central, ex 299.50; Quick Serve, ex 146.75; Quill Corp, ex 1716.26; Region 4 Health, ex 5749.50; Sanne Ser, ex 3000.00; Shop 4H, ex 35.10; Stealth Broadband, ex 1340.15; Thriftway Mkt, ex 16.71; Uline Ship, ex 1684.27; UNL Its Comm, ex 91.06; Willie’s Ser, ex 42.42; Gail Wortman, ex 54.00; Derek Zuhlke, mlg 23.20; 319 Graphics, ex 137.92. Road & Bridge Fund: Black Hills Energy, ex 279.04; Bomgaars, ex 930.16; Casey Dittrich, ex 698.30; Frontier Comm, ut 791.75; Jacob Const, ex 163,860.84; JEBRO, ex 6688.69; Mr S’s, ex 316.21; Nebraska Public Power, ut 50.25; Rutjens Const, ex 2355.50; Stealth Broadband, ex 266.50. Reappraisal Fund: Clearwater Record, ex 12.00; Cobblestone Hotel, ex 178.00; NACO, ex 65.00; Neligh News, ex 12.00; Brieann Werner, ex 31.77. Disaster Flood Fund: Hometown Station, ex 4238.68; Road Builders Mach, ex 36,875.45; Rutjens Const, ex 2355.50; A & R Const, ex 70,290.97; G I Trailer, ex 7018.00; Gene Heithoff Truck, ex 8061.58; Gerald Heithoff, ex 2312.50; Kayton Intl, ex 3240.00; Knife River Midwest, ex 1,312,537.96; Matteo Sand, ex 9480.36. Law Enforcement Fund: Cash-Wa Dist, ex 8345.83; Cornhusker State, ex 1294.00; Hiland Dairy, ex 302.56; Keefe Supply, ex 346.96; Pinnacle Bank, ex 694.02; Wanek Pharmacy, ex 296.13. Commissary Fund: Bob Barker Co, ex 427.87; Pinnacle Bank, ex 346.37. Building Fund: Merit Mechanical, ex 2694.00. Meeting Adjourned. Antelope County Board of Commissioners Tom Borer /s/ Chairman of County Board Attest: Lisa Payne /s/ Antelope County Clerk Published July 3, 2019 ZNEZ ESTATE NOTICE
GORDON MASAT Notice is hereby given that on June 13, 2019, in the county court of Antelope County, Nebraska, the registrar issued a written statement of informal probate of the will of Gordon Masat, deceased, case no. PR19-18, and that Michael Masat, whose address is 86151 526th Avenue, Brunswick, NE 68720, was appointed as personal representative of this estate. Creditors of this estate must file their claims with this court on or before August 19, 2019, or be forever barred. Linda Mitchell, Clerk Magistrate James P. Meuret, #23666, Attorney at Law PO Box 429 Brunswick, NE 68720 Published June 19, 26, July 3, 2019 ZNEZ PUBLIC NOTICE
A Special Joint Meeting of the Clearwater Original Board of Education, the Ewing Board of Education, and the Orchard Original Board of Education will be held on Wednesday, July 10, 2019, at 7:00 p.m. at Ewing Public School. AGENDA 1. Call Meeting to Order 2. Approve Agenda & Recognize Visitors 3. Approve Board Member Absence 4. Public Participation 5. Discussion & Possible Motion on Architectural Contract 6. Discussion & Possible Motion on Selection of Construction Manager 7. Discussion and Possible Approval of Reorganization Petition 8. Review of Project Schedule 9. Adjourn The tentative agenda contains a list of subjects known at the time of distribution. A copy of the agenda reflecting any changes will be available for public inspection at the administrative offices during normal business hours. This agenda may be changed up to 24 hours before the scheduled commencement of the meeting. Published June 26, 2019 ZNEZ Legal Notice For Name Change of A Minor Child
IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF ANTELOPE COUNTY, NEBRASKA Case Number CI1927 IN RE NAME CHANGE OF James William Bower Notice is hereby given that on the 24th day of June, 2019, a petition was filed in the District Court of Antelope County, Nebraska, the object and prayer of which is to change a minor child’s or children’s name(s) from James William Bower to James William Walton. A hearing will be had on said petition before the Honorable James G. Kube, in courtroom 501 M Street, Neligh on the 28th day of August, 2019, at 10:30 a.m., or as soon thereafter as will be convenient for the court and that unless sufficient cause is shown to the contrary, the minor child(ren)’s name(s) will be changed from that of James William Bower to James William Walton. Sabrina Lynn Bower 202 South 2nd Street Elgin, NE 68636 402-637-9306 [email protected] Published June 26, July 3, 2019 ZNEZ Legal Notice For Name Change of A Minor Child
IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF ANTELOPE COUNTY, NEBRASKA Case Number CI1928 IN RE NAME CHANGE OF Eloise Michael Fuehrer Notice is hereby given that on the 24th day of June, 2019, a petition was filed in the District Court of Antelope County, Nebraska, the object and prayer of which is to change a minor child’s or children’s name(s) from Eloise Michael Fuehrer to Eloise Michael Choyeski-Fuehrer. A hearing will be had on said petition before the Honorable Judge James G. Kube, 501 M Street, Neligh, NE, on the 28th day of August, 2019, at 10:30 a.m., or as soon thereafter as will be convenient for the court and that unless sufficient cause is shown to the contrary, the minor child(ren)’s name(s) will be changed from that of Eloise Michael Fuehrer to Eloise Michael Choyeski-Fuehrer. Elle Delaney 102 W 8th St Neligh, NE 68756 308-550-1733 [email protected] Published June 26, July 3, 2019 ZNEZ NOTICE OF MEETINGS COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS, ANTELOPE COUNTY,
NEBRASKA FOR THE MONTH OF JULY 2019 Notice is hereby given that the County Board of Commissioners of Antelope County, Nebraska will hold meetings in the County Commissioner’s room in the Antelope County Courthouse Annex, Neligh, Nebraska on the following dates and times: July 2nd, 2019 at 9:00 AM July 9th, 2019 at 8:30 AM July 23rd, 2019 at 9:00 AM Meetings will be open to the public. An agenda, kept continuously current, is available for public inspection at the Antelope County Clerk’s office and may be modified at such meeting to include items of an emergency nature pursuant to Section 84-1411 of the Nebraska Revised Statutes. Published June 26, 2019 ZNEZ NOTICE
Section 39-1811 of the Nebraska Revised Statutes for 1943, reissue of 1974, requires that all land owners mow all weeds that can be mowed with the ordinary farm mower to the middle of all public roads and drainage ditches running along their lands, at least twice a year, namely, before July 15th, for the first time and during the month of August of second time, since many of the roads are not mowed at this time the County Board requests that the roadsides be mowed immediately. The law further provides that in the event the land owner fails to mow said weeds, the County Board, upon complaint of any resident, may cause the weeds to be mowed and assess the cost for the mowing of such weeds against the land abutting each side of the road where the weeds were mowed by the County and that such cost may be collected in the same manner as real estate taxes. The County Board of Commissioners of Antelope County, Nebraska has received several complaints regarding weed in road ditches. The County Board urges all land owners to mow the weeds in the road ditches and on the sides of the roads abutting their respective properties immediately. The county board would also like to remind land owners, that they are responsible for keeping the roadside adjacent to their property free of voluntary trees. THE ANTELOPE COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Published June 19, 2019 ZNEZ CON COUNCIL APPROVED PD CHECKS, 6-11-19, GENERAL
A.C. CLERK, 54.00; A.C. SHERIFF, 900.00; A.C. TRES, 25.00; ALL FLAGS, 79.60; AMAZON, 266.49; AMH, 550.00; APPLIED CONNECTIVE, 105.00; ARNOLD POOL, 166.75; ASCAP, 361.14; AURORA COOPERATIVE, 262.50; BLACK HILLS ENERGY, 40.54; BLY, D, 52.00; BOMGAARS, 586.87; CARHART’S, 531.95; CASH, 69.60; CENTER POINT, 92.28; COLONIAL, 791.00; CUBBY’S, 5.49; CULLIGAN OF NORFOLK, 34.00; DEMCO, 119.74; DIAMOND VOGEL, 1,423.57; DOLLAR GENERAL, 13.90; ELKHORN PAVING, 57,944.20; EMC, 211.50; EMERY-PRATT, 469.85; ERPPD, 124.97; FALLER LANDSCAPE, 179.98; FARMER’S PRIDE, 2,990.93; FLENNIKEN PLUMBING, 369.85; FLOOR MAINTENANCE, 72.85; FRONTIER, 485.83; GILL HAULING, 1,953.96; GREAT PLAINS, 70.95; GREAT PLAINS NURSERY, 103.00; GREEN LINE, 448.77; HARTZ, J, 50.00; HILD, K, 2,677.31; HILLTOP DRUGS, 8.68; HIRERIGHT, 762.47; JONES AUTOMOTIVE, 229.08; JONNY DODGE, 225.46; K & T, 250.00; KELLY SUPPLY, 33.77; L. P. GILL, 2,673.84; LAZY T TIRE, 126.60; LB840 E/D, 4,667.22; LICHTY, J, 20,000.00; MCNALLY OPERATIONS, 193.45; MIDCITY SUPERSTORE, 44.99; MIDWEST BREATHING, 907.79; MIDWEST LAB, 196.32; MIDWEST PLUMBING, 2,190.68; MILL POINTE, 7,393.76; MITTEIS GRAVEL, 410.18; MUNICIPAL SUPPLY, 1691.75; NDEQ, 57,120.86; NDOR, 2,939.42; NE MACHINERY, 1,098.74; NE PUBLIC LAB, 472.00; NEBRASKALINK, 90.00; NELIGH AUTO, 190.26; NELIGH ELECTRIC, 5,018.94; NELIGH NEWS, 12.00; NELIGH YOUNG MEN’S, 3,500.00; NEN E/C, 510.00; N-O SCHOOL, 2,125.00; NORTON, J, 99.00; PARKS, S, 66.70; PAYROLL, 79,891.90; PELLATZ, J, 72.20; PENWORTHY, 100.00; PITZER DIGITAL, 622.87; POWER COMPUTING, 64.95; PROSOURCE SPECIALTIES, 228.02; RUTJENS CONST, 2,368.81; SARGENT DRILLING, 1,200.00; SHERIDAN-SIMONSEN, L, 103.24; SNIDER MEMORIAL FUNERAL HOME, 4,000.00; STEALTH BROADBAND, 195.82; TELEBEEP, 42.78; THRIFTWAY, 411.82; U.S. CELLULAR, 269.60; VISA, 618.01. Published June 19, 2019 ZNEZ ORDINANCE NO. 618
AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF NELIGH, ANTELOPE COUNTY, NEBRASKA, ESTABLISHING A HISTORIC PRESERVATION BOARD; PROCEDURES FOR DESIGNATION OF LANDMARKS AND HISTORIC DISTRICTS; PROCEDURES FOR CERTIFICATES OF APPROVAL FOR ALTERATIONS TO DESIGNATED LANDMARK PROPERTIES; AND GOVERNANCE OF THE PRESERVATION OF LANDMARKS AND HISTORIC DISTRICTS WITHIN THE CORPORATE CITY LIMITS. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF NELIGH, NEBRASKA AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1: DEFINITIONS: That for the purposes of this Ordinance, the words and phrases below shall have the following definitions: Board: The Historic Preservation Board of the City of Neligh, Nebraska. City Council: The elected members of the Council of the City of Neligh, Nebraska. Commission: The Planning Commission of the City of Neligh, Nebraska. Cumulative Effect: This Ordinance shall be cumulative to all other provisions of adopted Codes and including Codified Ordinances relating to building, electricity, plumbing or any other technical requirements or provisions; and once work has been approved on a landmark or in a historical district, all other appropriate permits and inspections shall be obtained, and fees therefore shall be paid in accordance with Chapter 150, Building Regulations; Construction, of the Codified Ordinances of the City of Neligh. Design Guidelines: Design criteria for new construction, alterations and revisions of properties designated as landmarks and in historic districts. All design criteria shall comply with the Secretary of Interior’s “Standards for Rehabilitation”. Landmark: An individual structure, or an integrated group of structures on a single lot or site, or a site having a special character or special historical, cultural, educational, architectural, engineering or geographic interest of value. Historic District: An area or section of the City containing a significant number of buildings, sites, structures, objects, or improvements which, considered as a whole, possess historical or cultural significance to the City, State or nation pursuant to the provisions of this Ordinance. Owner: A real estate owner or owner’s authorized agent, officer of a corporation which owns real estate, partner of a partnership owning real estate, or member of an LLC or other similar organization owning real estate. Private: All bodies, groups, organizations, associations, corporations, clubs and individuals of whatever nature which are not included in the definition of “public”. Public: The state, or any agency thereof; a municipality; a county or any board appointed by or acting for same; a township; a commission or other authority established by law; any district, or other political subdivision of the state or public body recognized by law. Secretary of the Interior’s “Standards for Rehabilitation”: Ten standards promulgated by the U.S. Department of the Interior to guide alterations to a landmark or property within a historic district. Structure: Anything constructed or erected, the use of which requires location on the ground or attached to something having location on the ground. Work: Work shall mean and include any alteration, demolition, construction, reconstruction, restoration, remodeling or other material change in the external appearance of the structure. SECTION 2: FINDINGS: The City Council finds that the protection, enhancement, perpetuation and use of structures, districts and elements of historical, cultural, educational, architectural, engineering or geographic significance, located within the City, contribute to the prosperity, civic pride and general welfare of the people; and further finds that the economic, cultural and aesthetic interests of the City cannot be maintained or enhanced by disregarding the heritage of the City and that people of the City have an interest in the maintenance, preservation, demolition or other action regarding such cultural assets. PURPOSE: (a) To designate, preserve, protect, enhance and perpetuate those structures and districts which reflect significant elements of the City heritage; (b) To foster civic pride in the beauty and accomplishments of the past; (c) To stabilize or improve the aesthetic and economic vitality and values of such structures and districts; (d) To protect and enhance the City’s attraction to tourists and visitors; (e) To promote the use of historic structures or districts for education; and (f) To promote and encourage continued private ownership and utilization of such buildings and other structures now owned and used, to the extent that the objectives listed above can be promoted. SECTION 3: HISTORIC PRESERVATION BOARD: (a) There is hereby created the Historic Preservation Board of the City of Neligh, Nebraska. The Board shall be composed of five (5) members, all members shall be residents of the City and shall have a demonstrated interest or professional expertise in historic preservation. A majority shall be professionals in the fields of archeology, historic archeology, architectural history, architecture, and history. All such appointments are to the extent that these professionals are available in the City. The five (5) members shall consist of two (2) citizens who are interested in preservation, architecture, engineering, historical or cultural matters, and three (3) owners of real estate (as defined in Section 1 of this Ordinance) designated as historic or within a historic district or proposed district. Employees of the City, or elected or appointed members of the City Council or other City boards or commissions shall not be eligible to be members of the Board. (b) The members of the Board shall be appointed by the Mayor, subject to confirmation by the City Council. (c) Initially, two (2) members of the Board shall be appointed for a one (1) year term, two (2) members shall be appointed for a two (2) year term, and one (1) member shall be appointed for a three (3) year term. There may be a limit set to the number of terms. (d) In the event of a vacancy occurring in the membership of the Board for any reason, an appointment shall be made to fill the vacancy in the same manner as the original appointments for the unexpired term. (e) The members of the Board shall serve without compensation; however, they shall be entitled to reimbursement for expenses incurred during the course of conducting the business of the Board. (f) The Board shall elect its chairperson from among its members. (g) The Board shall establish its own rules of procedure. (h) Three (3) members of the Board shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. (i) Except as otherwise provided herein, three (3) affirmative votes shall be required for final action on any matter acted upon by the Board. (j) The Board shall meet at least quarterly at such times and in such places as it may determine, or upon the call of the chairperson. (k) The Board shall elect four (4) officers, each to serve for the full duration of his or her term of appointment to the Board: Chair, Vice-Chair, Secretary, and Treasurer. The Chair shall preside at meetings, call special meetings, issue public statements for the Board, and in general assume the duties of directing the activities of the Board. The Vice-Chair shall act in place of the Chair in the event of the latter’s absence. The Secretary shall keep a complete and current agenda, minutes of each meeting, and be responsible for publication and distribution of minutes, proceedings, and reports. The Treasurer shall be responsible for financial reports. (l) The Board, shall in conjunction with Neligh Economic Development, adopt design guidelines and such standards and procedures not inconsistent with the provisions of this Ordinance as it may deem necessary to further the purpose herein stated. (m) Designated historic district and individual landmarks shall be determined by the Board and approved by City Council. SECTION 4: SUBMISSION OF PLANS, PROJECTS AND PROPOSALS: All plans, projects, proposals, evaluations, specifications, and sketches and other information necessary for the review of the Board, or colors, building materials, signs, or other features subject to public view, shall be made available to the Board by the applicant or appropriate department of the City, along with a copy of the application for the building or demolition permit. SECTION 5: DIRECTOR; DUTIES: The Mayor shall assign a City staff member, as the Director of the Board, without the right to vote. The Director shall be the custodian of records, conduct official correspondence and generally supervise the clerical and technical work of the Board as required to administer this Ordinance. In addition the Director, for and on behalf of the Board and with the approval and direction of the Board, shall: (a) Work in conjunction with other City officials to keep complete and accurate records and accounting for all funds, grants, income, and expenditures of every nature of the Board. All funds shall be placed with the City of Neligh in a specially designated account. (b) Prepare annual reports and other such reports that may be required. (c) Assure that public notices are posted and advertised, agendas are kept current and available for public inspection, and open meetings are conducted. (d) Periodically review the City’s zoning ordinances and recommend to the Planning Commission and the City Council any of the same that are appropriate for the protection and preservation of landmarks or historic districts. (e) Cooperate with the Nebraska State Historical Society in matters of proposed certification of this Ordinance and related duties and requirements. (f) Comment on properties nominated to the National Register of Historic Places and cause to be processed nominations of properties potentially eligible for listing in the National Registry. (g) Carry out, assist and collaborate in studies and programs designed to identify and evaluate structures, sites and areas worthy of preservation. (h) Consult with and consider the ideas and of civic groups, public agencies and citizens interested in historic preservation. (i) Inspect and investigate structures, sites and areas which are believed worthy of preservation. (j) Submit to the City Council for public hearing and approval, and subsequently maintain (and resubmit as required) a list of structures and other features deemed deserving of official recognition although not designated as landmarks or historic districts and take appropriate measures of recognition, and maintain a documentary inventory. (k) Disseminate information to the public concerning those structures, sites and areas deemed worthy of preservation and encourage and advise property owners in protection, enhancement, perpetuation and use of property of historical interest. (l) Consider methods other than those provided for in this Ordinance for encouraging and achieving historic preservation, and make appropriate recommendations to the City Council and other bodies and agencies, both public and private. (m) Make recommendations and do such other acts pursuant to this ordinance as the Board shall order. (n) Make an initial inventory of all sites, structures, and districts presently designated or eligible for designation as landmarks. All sites, structures and districts within the City limits cited in the Nebraska State Historical Society’s inventories of Antelope County shall be included initially on the inventory. All sites, structures and districts cited in the foregoing inventories of the Nebraska State Historical Society shall be reviewed by the Board and, if deserving, recommended for designation by Ordinance as historic landmarks, sites, structures or districts. The recommendations which the Board makes as to these sites, structures and districts shall be within twelve (12) months of the first meeting of the Board, or as soon thereafter as may be done. Such inventory shall be updated annually as the Board directs. SECTION 6: DESIGNATION OF LANDMARKS, HISTORIC DISTRICS: (a) All landmarks and property within a historic district shall be subject to the controls, standards and procedures set forth in this article. A particular site, structure or area may be designated for preservation as a landmark or historic district if it has: (1) Historical importance or cultural significance, interest or value as part of the development, history, heritage or culture of the City, state or nation; or is associated with the life of a person significant in the past; or is the site of an historic event, or exemplifies the cultural, political, economic, educational, social or historic heritage of the community. (2) Architectural and engineering importance, portraying the historical setting or environment of a distinctive characteristic of an architectural or engineering type, period, style, or method of construction; or is the work of a resident builder or designer whose individual work is significant in the development of the City; or contains elements of design, detail, materials or craftsmanship of distinctive quality, or which represents a significant innovation. (3) Geographic importance, by being a part of or related to a city center, park or other distinctive area, which should be developed or preserved according to a plan based on a historic, cultural or architectural motif; or owing to its unique location or singular physical characteristic represents an established and familiar visual feature of a neighborhood, community, or the City; or (4) Archeological importance has yielded or is likely to yield information regarding the history of the area prior to the establishment of the City. A landmark or historic district shall possess integrity of design, location, setting, feeling, association, materials, and workmanship. In the case of a historic district, provisions shall be made to define an accurate boundary, identify properties that contribute to the historical significance of the district, and those because of age or integrity do not contribute. A property shall be eligible if it is fifty (50) years of age or older, unless exceptional significance can be demonstrated. (b) A landmark may be proposed by the City Council or the Board with Owner’s written approval; or upon petition of the Owner. Any such proposal shall be filed with the Director upon forms prescribed by him or her, and shall include all data required by the Board. (c) A historic district may be proposed by the City Council or the Board. Any such proposal shall be filed with the Director upon forms prescribed by him or her, and shall include all data required by the Board. (d) Each proposal of a landmark or historic district shall first be considered by the Board at a public hearing. (e) Notice of the time, place and purpose of the public hearing to be held upon the proposal of a landmark or historic district shall be given by the Board in the official newspaper of the City not less than ten (10) days prior to the date of the hearing and by mail to the owners of all property included in the proposed designation, as identified by the names and addresses of the last-known owners as shown by the county real property tax records. Failure to send notice by mail to any such property owner where the address of the owner is not so recorded shall not invalidate any proceedings in connection with the proposed designation. The Board may also give such other notice as may be deemed reasonable and practicable. (f) A record of the pertinent information presented at the hearing upon the proposal of a proposed landmark or historic district shall be made and maintained as a permanent public record. (g) The Board may approve, disapprove or modify the proposal of a landmark or historic district and shall notify the applicant of the action taken within thirty (30) days of the referral thereof to the Board. (h) The recommendation of the Board for approval of a proposal for a proposed landmark or historic district shall state the particular standards for such designation, as set out in this section, which are applied in each designation. (i) Designation of a landmark shall not be proposed at the objection of an owner. Designation of a historic district shall not be proposed if the owners of fifty one (51%) percent of the front footage of the real property in the proposed historic district object, not to include any public right-of-way located in such district. To object, owners shall follow the procedures outlined in Section 9 (d) and (e). SECTION 7: OVERLAY DISTRICT; ZONING OF HISTORIC DISTRICTS: A landmark or historic district shall constitute a zoning overlay district for historic preservation purposes and shall be included as such on the official land use or zoning map. This zoning shall be in addition to the existing underlying land use zoning. Zoning amendments, applications for special use permits, or variances shall be considered to assist in the preservation, use or rehabilitation of designated properties. SECTION 8: TRANSMITTAL TO, ACTION BY CITY COUNCIL: The Board shall transmit the proposal for the designation of a landmark or historic district to the City Council within 30 days after consideration. The Board shall consider the degree of conformity or nonconformity with the comprehensive development plan of the City, and may, if the Board deems it necessary, consult with and obtain a recommendation with regard to such proposal from the Planning Commission. SECTION 9: CONSIDERATION BY COUNCIL: (a) When a proposal for the designation of a landmark or historic district is presented to the City Council, it shall take into consideration the recommendation of the Board, and shall further give consideration to the economic consequences to the City and the affected property owners. (b) Objection by the owners of twenty (20%) percent of the front footage of the property within a proposed historic district shall require four (4) affirmative votes by City Council for approval of such district. (c) Objection by the owner or owners of a proposed landmark shall require four (4) affirmative votes for approval of such landmark. (d) Objections to a historic district designation must be acknowledged on a form available in the office of the Director and any such objections must be filed with the City Clerk no later than the first reading of the proposed designation ordinance. (e) In order for the owners of a particular parcel of land to validly object to the designation, such objection shall be executed by any owner who is otherwise required to execute a valid conveyance of a fee simple interest in such parcel and whose name(s) appear in the records of the County Clerk. (f) Pursuant to the provisions of this Ordinance, and the procedures set forth herein, the City Council may, by ordinance, designate a “Landmark” or a “Historic District”. (g) Each ordinance designating a landmark or historic district shall include a description and statement of the significance of the real property or district to justify its designation as such and a description of the particular features that should be preserved, and shall include the legal description of the landmark or historic district. (h) Within ten (10) days after final adoption of the ordinance designating property as a landmark or historic district, the Director shall send a copy of such ordinance and a letter outlining the basis of such designation and the obligations and restrictions which result from such designation to the owner of record of each property so designated or each property within the designated district by registered or certified mail. SECTION 10: AMENDMENT; RESCISSION: The City Council may, by ordinance, amend or rescind the designation of a landmark or historic district at any time pursuant to the same procedures set forth in this article for the original designation. SECTION 11: APPLICATION TO PUBLIC PROPERTY: All properties owned by government entities and/or public agencies shall be subject to the provisions of this Ordinance in the same manner as private persons. All visible modifications or additions to public areas within a landmark or historic district, including street furniture, lighting fixtures, and paving materials shall be subject to review by the Board. SECTION 12: ECONOMIC IMPACT: The Board shall, in the administration and enforcement of the provisions of this Ordinance, take into account all economic factors presented to it. The Board shall recognize the necessity of weighing potential economic detriments against preservationist objectives and shall strive to effect a fair balance in all instances. SECTION 13: CERTIFICATE OF APPROVAL REQUIRED: No person shall carry out or cause to be carried out any work on a landmark or structure in a historic district without a certificate of approval first being issued by the Board. For the purposes of this section, any alteration, construction, restoration, remodeling or other changes shall be deemed to require a certificate of approval where such work affects any of the characteristics of the landmark or historic district which were deemed to be significant and intended to be preserved as recited in the ordinance designating such landmark or district. The Board’s decision to approve or deny an application for a certificate of approval shall include the following criteria: 1. Any alteration of an existing landmark shall be compatible with its historic character and meet the Secretary of the Interior’s “Standards for Rehabilitation” or other such design guidelines as may have been adopted. 2. Any alteration of a property within a historic district shall be compatible with its historic character and that of such district and meet the Secretary of the Interior’s “Standards for Rehabilitation” or other such design guidelines as may have been adopted; or 3. New construction shall be compatible with the historic district in which it is located. PERMITS REQUIRED: Building permits must be obtained prior to any work being done. A board approved certificate of approval must be presented to the building official prior to any building permit being issued. SECTION 14: ENFORCEMENT; PENALTIES: Whoever violates or fails to comply with any of the provisions of the Code for which no penalty is otherwise provided, shall be fined not more than five hundred dollars ($500.00). A separate offense shall be deemed committed each day during or on which a violation or noncompliance occurs or continues. SECTION 15: CERTIFICATE OF APPROVAL APPLICATIONS FORWARDED TO DIRECTOR: (a) All applications for a certificate of approval will be made on forms available at Neligh City Hall and shall be forwarded immediately to the Board. (b) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the Director shall not permit any work except as pursuant to a certificate of approval issued by the Board as authorized by the City Council. (c) The Board shall hold a public hearing on applications to it for a certificate of approval. (d) The determination by the Board on an application for a certificate of approval, or report of any action taken, shall be forwarded to the Director for appropriate action not later than thirty (30) days after receipt of the application by the Board. (e) The Board’s decision must be accompanied by written findings of fact. (f) The Board, in considering the appropriateness of any work, shall consider, among other things, the purposes of this article, the historical and architectural value and significance of the landmark or historical district, the texture, material and color of the building or structure in question or its appurtenant fixtures, including signs, and the relationship of such features to similar features of other buildings within a historic district, and the position of such building or structure in relation to the street or public way, as well as, other buildings and structures. (g) If, after considering the application for a certificate of approval required by this Section, the Board determines that the proposed changes are consistent with the criteria for historic preservation established by this section, the Board shall recommend the issuance of the certificate of approval. (h) If no certificate is approved, the applicant and the Board shall enter into negotiations to develop a plan whereby modifications in the application would enable the Board to issue a certificate of approval under the criteria listed above and compatible with the guidelines for preservation in the particular designated ordinance. If the proposed work involves demolition of all or a significant portion of a landmark or property within a historic district or involves construction upon open areas of a landmark or within a historic district and no acceptable plan is negotiated and approved between the applicant and the Board within 30 days of the Board’s decision not to issue a certificate of approval, the City may proceed with eminent domain proceedings to acquire the landmark or the affected property within the historic district, but if the City does not initiate proceedings within 30 days of the Board 1 s final negotiations with the applicant, the Director shall issue a certificate of approval, permitting the applicant to proceed with the work requested in the application. (i) No change shall be made in the application for a building or demolition permit after issuance of a certificate by the Board without being resubmitted to the Board and approval in the same manner as provided above. SECTION 16: COUNCIL REVIEW OF BOARD RECOMMENDATIONS: The Council shall review all Board recommendations, and the Board shall submit for approval a record of all its activities to the City Council upon City Council request. SECTION 17: CITY PROJECTS; UNDERTAKINGS: The Board may hold public hearings on City projects and undertakings affecting landmark sites, structures or historic districts and make recommendations to the City Council concerning same. SECTION 18: ADVICE; GUIDANCE TO OWNERS: The Board may, upon request of the property owner, render advice and guidance with respect to any proposed work on a landmark or historic district. SECTION 19: PASSAGE AND EFFECT: This Ordinance shall be in full force and take effect from and after its passage, approval and publication as provided by Nebraska law. Dated this 11th day of June, 2019. CITY OF NELIGH, NEBRASKA Mayor ATTEST: City Clerk CERTIFICATION I, Danielle Klabenes, clerk of the City of Neligh, Nebraska, hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and complete copy of Ordinance No. 618 of said city, passed by the City Council this 11th day of June, 2019. City Clerk Published June 19, 2019 ZNEZ COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS AS A COUNTY BOARD
OF EQUALIZATION, ANTELOPE COUNTY, NEBRASKA Notice is hereby given that the County Board of Commissioners of Antelope County, Nebraska will hold a County Board of Equalization meeting in the Commissioner’s room in the Antelope County Courthouse Annex, Neligh, Nebraska on Tuesday, July 2nd , 2019 at 9:30 AM, for the purpose of approving tax roll corrections, presenting over/under report, motor vehicle exemptions and various other items which may become necessary to act upon. Meeting will be opened to the public. An agenda, kept continuously current, is available for public inspection at the Antelope County Clerk’s office and may be modified at such meeting to include items of an emergency nature pursuant to Section 84-1411 of the Nebraska Revised Statutes. Published June 19, 2019 ZNEZ |
The Antelope County News is a legal publication for
Antelope County, Village of Orchard, Village of Royal, Village of Brunswick, City of Neligh, Nebraska Unified Dist. 1, Orchard Public Schools, Upper Elkhorn NRD, NCPPD and the State of Nebraska. To submit a notice for publication, email to [email protected].
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