Council Proceedings The Board of Trustees of the Village of Clearwater met in regular session on July 8, 2019 at 7:00 p.m. in the fire hall meeting room. The regular meeting was opened by 7:01 p.m. Notice of meeting was given in advance by publication in Clearwater Record and notice was given to Council persons prior to meeting. Public was informed of location of Open Meeting Act posted. Present: Jay Snider, Steve Stearns, Steve Hankla and Kevin Filsinger. Absent: Paul Horman. Others present: Bill Thiele, Mike Klabenes, Dick Kester, Curt Thiele, Lauren Simonson, Kent Stallbaum, and Tina Snider. Items approved: The Hearing and regular minutes from last month and treasurer’s report. Late water bills were discussed. Building permit for Kelly Kerkman and Melvin & Kate Ahlers. Passing the second reading of the Zoning regulations Ordinance. Claims and payroll: Wages $4687.11 Bills $78801.67 Meeting adjourned at 8:02 p.m. Complete set of minutes on file at the Village Office. Tina Snider, Village Clerk Published July 17, 2019 ZNEZ VILLAGE OF CLEARWATER
PUBLIC HEARING PLANNING COMMISSION HEARING The Board of Trustees of the Village of Clearwater met in regular session on July 8, 2019, at 7:00 p.m. in the fire hall meeting room. Notice of meeting was given in advance by publication in Clearwater Record and notice was given to Council persons prior to meeting. Public was informed of location of Open Meeting Act posted. Present: Kevin Filsinger, Steve Stearns, Jay Snider, and Steve Hankla. Absent: Paul Horman. Others present: Bill Thiele, Mike Klabenes, Dick Kester, Curt Thiele, Lauren Simonsen, Tina Snider. The Planning Commission Hearing was open. No public participation was presented. Motion to close hearing at 7:02 p.m. by Snider and seconded by Filsinger. Voting aye: Snider, Filsinger, Stearns, and Hankla. Voting nay: none. Absent: Horman. Chairman Clerk Published July 17, 2019 ZNEZ |
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Antelope County, Village of Orchard, Village of Royal, Village of Brunswick, City of Neligh, Nebraska Unified Dist. 1, Orchard Public Schools, Upper Elkhorn NRD, NCPPD and the State of Nebraska. To submit a notice for publication, email to [email protected].
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