Neligh-Oakdale Board of Education, Neligh, Nebraska, July 8, 2019
Notice of the Regular Board Meeting of July 3, 2019 were posted in the Neligh and Oakdale Post Offices and at the main entrances of the school, per board policy 204.07, on June 3, 2019. Board President, Ryan Koinzan, called the Regular Board meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. and informed those in attendance that the notice of the meeting was posted in the Antelope County News, at the Neligh and Oakdale Post Offices, and at all entrances of the school per board policy 204.07 on Wednesday, July 3, 2019 and a copy of the Nebraska Open Meetings Act was posted in the meeting room for public review. Roll Call of members was taken board members present were: Ron Gilg, Ryan Koinzan, Cory Furstenau, Kevin Hild, Scott Svatos, and Kenny Reinke. On a motion by Reinke, seconded by Gilg, it was moved to approve the consent agenda, minutes of the June 10, 2019 meeting and approve general, building, QCPUF fund claims. Motion carried 6-0 (RCV) Erin Whitesel, district treasurer, gave a financial recap for district funds: General Fund: $61,443.34; Sinking Fund: $2.65; QCPUF Fund: $1,044.98. There was no correspondence. Mr. Gregory reported on the state budget schedule. Administrator days are in Kearney towards the end of July. Information was given on the budget for the new fiscal year and the planning process going forward. Kevin Hild reported on the Westward roof leaks and the maintenance issues were addressed. Board policies 504.01-504.11 were reviewed. No revisions necessary. Tim Kallhoff, from Precision Glass, spoke to the board about the 1960s building windows. On a motion by Furstenau, seconded by Hild, to accept the Precision Glass bid for the 1960s building windows. Motion carried 6-0 (RCV) On a motion by Gilg, seconded by Reinke, it was moved to approve the 2019-2020 handbook. Motion carried 6-0. (RCV) On a motion by Furstenau, seconded by Reinke, it was moved to approve the lunch prices for the 2019-2020 school year with the amounts for each specified area: Breakfast $1.85, K-6 lunch: $2.55, 7-12 lunch $2.80, Free/reduced breakfast .30, free/reduce lunch .40, adult lunch $3.65. Motion carried 6-0 (RCV) On a motion by Reinke, seconded by Furstenau, it was moved to hire an additional para. Motion carried 5-0, Gilg abstained. (RCV) On a motion by Gilg, seconded by Furstenau, it was moved to approve the first reading of board policy Organization of the Board. Motion carried 6-0 (RCV) On a motion by Gilg, seconded by Furstenau, it was moved to approve the first reading of board policy Complaint Procedure. Motion carried 6-0 (RCV) On a motion by Gilg, seconded by Hild, it was moved to approve the first reading of board policy District Legal Counsel. Motion carried 6-0 (RCV) On a motion by Gilg, seconded by Furstenau, it was moved to approve the first reading of board policy Indemnification and Legal Liability. Motion carried 6-0 (RCV) On a motion by Gilg, seconded by Hild, it was moved to approve the first reading of board policy Bidding for construction, remodeling, repair, or related projects with federal funding. Motion carried 6-0 (RCV) On a motion by Gilg, seconded by Furstenau, it was moved to approve the first reading of board policy Fiscal Management for Purchasing and Procurement using federal funds. Motion carried 6-0 (RCV) On a motion by Gilg, to adopt the smoking 3016 policy. On a motion by Gilg, seconded by Furstenau, it was moved to adopt 3016 smoking policy as amended and striking the last sentence out of the policy. Motion carried 6-0 (RCV) On a motion by Gilg, seconded by Hild, it was moved to approve the first reading of board policy threat assessment and response. Motion carried 6-0 (RCV) On a motion by Gilg, seconded by Reinke, it was moved to approve the first reading of board policy animals at schools. Motion carried 6-0 (RCV) On a motion by Gilg, seconded by Furstenau, it was moved to approve the first reading of board policy technology in the classroom. Motion carried 6-0 (RCV) On a motion by Gilg, seconded by Hild, it was moved to approve the first reading of board policy leasing personal property. Motion carried 6-0 (RCV) On a motion by Gilg, seconded by Furstenau, it was moved to approve the first reading of board policy assessment administration and security. Motion carried 6-0 (RCV) On a motion by Gilg, seconded by Furstenau, it was moved to approve the first reading of board policy job references to prospective employers. Motion carried 6-0 (RCV) On a motion by Gilg, seconded by Furstenau, it was moved to approve the first reading of board policy education court report. Motion carried 6-0 (RCV) On a motion by Gilg, seconded by Reinke, it was moved to approve the first reading of board policy student records with option 3. Motion carried 6-0 (RCV) On a motion by Gilg, seconded by Furstenau, it was moved to approve the first reading of board policy routine directory information. Motion carried 6-0 (RCV) On a motion by Gilg, seconded by Hild, it was moved to approve the first reading of board policy student discipline. Motion carried 6-0 (RCV) The board wants Mr. Gregory to check into other area school districts facility use application form. On a motion by Gilg, seconded by Furstenau, it was moved to approve the first reading of board policy special education procedures form update. Motion carried 6-0 (RCV) On a motion by Gilg, seconded by Hild, it was moved to approve the first reading of board policy reading act. Motion carried 6-0 (RCV) On a motion by seconded by it was moved to enter into executive session to discuss the potential Superintendent position at 9:32 p.m. Motion carried 6-0 (RCV) On a motion by Reinke, seconded by Furstenau, it was moved to come out of executive session at 10:35 p.m. Motion carried 6-0 (RCV) On a motion by Furstenau, seconded by Hild, it was moved to adjourn the meeting at 10:38 p.m. Motion carried 6-0 (RCV) Respectfully submitted Jennifer Kinnan, Administrative Assistant Published July 17, 2019 ZNEZ Meeting Notice
Neligh-Oakdale Board of Education 6th & J Street, Neligh, NE 68756 PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that the Neligh-Oakdale Public School, District 9 Board of Education, will hold their regular July Board Meeting on Monday, July 8th at 7:00 PM. The public meeting will be held in the Board Meeting Room, 6 th J Street, Neligh, Nebraska. An agenda, kept continuously current, is available for inspection at the office of the superintendent during normal business hours. Scott Gregory, Superintendent of Neligh-Oakdale Schools Published July 3, 2019 ZNEZ |
The Antelope County News is a legal publication for
Antelope County, Village of Orchard, Village of Royal, Village of Brunswick, City of Neligh, Nebraska Unified Dist. 1, Orchard Public Schools, Upper Elkhorn NRD, NCPPD and the State of Nebraska. To submit a notice for publication, email to [email protected].
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