Our advertisers call the Antelope County News "the biggest bang for your buck!" What other media reaches nearly 5,000 unique visitors per day and focuses on all Antelope County communities? None.
We believe in old fashioned journalism presented in a modern format - online. Businesses advertise where their readers are looking, and that's the Antelope County News. Readers look at news that is consistent, accurate and reliable, and that's the Antelope County News. We know your advertising dollars are tight, so that's why our prices are lower than most - and still reach more people. Advertising is charged by the week or month and is at a reasonable cost to small businesses wanting to reach those with a connection to Antelope County. Ads link to the businesses website, Facebook page, email, to a PDF, etc. Contact us for more information on how you can increase your marketing audience, support your communities and stay within your budget. Call 402-887-4000 for more information. |