319 GRAPHICS, 135.92; A.C. CLERK, 40.00; A.C. HISTORICAL SOCIETY, 1,828.31; A.C. SHERIFF, 900.00; A.C. TRES, 40.00; AMAZON, 548.40; AMH, 550.00; APPLIED CONNECTIVE, 75.00; ASPHALT & CONCRETE, 2,526.23; AURORA COOP, 120.00; AXLES & GEARS, 41.00; BARCO, 453.61; BLACK HILLS ENERGY, 25.85; BLACKSTONE PUBLISHING, 100.83; BLY, D, 52.00; BOMGAARS, 356.15; CARHART LUMBER, 29.37; CARQUEST OF NELIGH, 190.71; CARTRIDGE WORLD, 65.97; CASH, 55.60; CENTER POINT, 92.28; CITY OF NORFOLK, 1,500.00; COMFORT INN, 230.62; CUBBY’S, INC, 887.65; CULLIGAN OF NORFOLK, 25.00; DEXTER, A, 167.50; DOLLAR GENERAL, 14.16; E.R.P.P.D., 334.66; ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING, 354.22; EMC, 211.50; EMERY-PRATT, 392.05; FAIRFIELD INN, 399.80; FARMER’S PRIDE, 3,226.11; FASTENAL COMPANY, 96.29; FRONTIER, 391.53; GILL HAULING, 2,204.19; GREAT PLAINS COMM, 70.95; GREEN LINE, 957.61; HARTZ, V, 50.00; HEARTLAND PAPER, 6,628.30; HILLTOP DRUGS, 35.99; JONNY DODGE, 28,003.96; JUSTICE DATA, 5,000.00; K & T CENTRAL PLAINS, 65.00; KAYTON INT’L, 191.17; KLABENES, D, 134.56; L. P. GILL, 3,016.26; LARM, 253.32; LB840, 4,537.20; MCNALLY OPERATIONS, 204.83; MIDWEST LAB, 483.32; MITTEIS GRAVEL, 267.83; MUNICIPAL SUPPLY, 852.07; NDOR, 2,898.39; NE PUBLIC HEALTH LAB, 337.00; NE RURAL WATER, 375.00; NEBRASKALINK, 90.00; NELIGH AUTO; 309.21, NELIGH ELECTRIC, 8,436.65; NELIGH NEWS, 24.00; NELSON, K, 119.30; NIELSEN INS, 6,234.50; NORTHEAST NEBR. E/D, 600.00; NORTON, J, 38.74; ONE CALL CONCEPTS , 5.18; PATRAS, W, 164.72; PAYROLL, 78,988.56; PIONEER PRODUCTS, 313.86; PITZER DIGITAL, 260.21; POLYDYNE, 577.53; REINKE’S, 70.51; RUTJENS, 200.00; SHERIDAN-SIMONSEN, L, 359.42; SHRADER, R, 31.00; STEALTH BROADBAND, 195.82; TABBERT, M, 23.78; TELEBEEP, 42.78; THRIFTWAY, 143.42; TINSLEY GRAIN, 711.63; U.S. CELLULAR, 272.76; VISA, 403.11. Published April 17, 2019 ZNEZ Neligh City Council Proceedings
The Mayor and City Council of the City of Neligh met in regular session at the City Council Chambers on April 9, 2019 at 7:00 P.M. as published. Also in attendance were City Attorney Jim McNally, City Supt. Dean Bly, Generation Supervisor Josh Capler, Economic Development Director Lauren Sheridan-Simonsen, Officer Darin Ternus, Police Chief Michael Wright, City Clerk Danielle Klabenes, City Engineer John Zwingman, News Reporters Jenna Hemenway, Joan Wright and Carrie Pitzer, Vanessa Nelson, Tim Johnson, Don Weinman, Nancy White and Diann Arehart. The following agenda items were approved: Approved March 11th special and March 12th regular meeting minutes and March treasurer’s report. Approved the special designated liquor license for the Antelope County Ag Society for August 1st through 4th for the county fair and the American Legion Post 172 for June 1st for a reception. Appointed Nathan Hughes to the Tree Board for a 3-year term and Gordon Hagge to the Housing Authority for a 5-year term; members and appointments of officers for the Jaws of Life and Fire Departments of: Jaws of Life – Jason Finch, President; Logan Lawson, Vice President; Joseph McNally, Treasurer; Doug Haselhorst, Captain; David Jacobsen, Captain; Cris Kurpegweit, Captain; Fire Department – Mike Mortensen, Chief; Dave Jacobsen, Assistant Chief; Jason Krebs, 1st Captain; Ryan Lichtenberg, 2nd Captain; Matt Henery, 3rd Captain; Logan Lawson, President; Zach Wright, Vice President; Steve Arehart, Treasurer; and Brent Pickrel, Secretary. Approved hiring Jack Green for a part-time Dial-A-Ride driver at $9.00 an hour following background checks and pre-employment testing. Approved two micro-façade applications and one DTR Fix-the-Bones application totaling $28,000. Approved proceeding with the Certified Local Government designation with History Nebraska. Approved the LB840 Loan Committee recommendation for Lucky Joe’s Liquor Store of $20,000 for 10 years at 3.75% interest. Authorized the City Supt. to submit a permit with the US Army Corps of Engineers for the Penn Park river stabilization. Approved hiring Kelsey Green as Pool Manager at $11.00 an hour, Tia Smith as Assistant Pool Manager at $10.50 an hour and the list of lifeguards as recommended by the Park Board. Approved the spring community clean up dates of April 27 th at the compactor and tree dump from 11AM to 5PM and Sunday April 28th at the Tree Dump from 11AM to 5PM with a rain date of May 4th & 5 th with regular fees in place. Approved the hiring of Grant Knutson for Electric Lineman at $19.50 an hour following pre-employment testing. Economic Director, Police, Electric reports Approved drawdown #23 for project funds of $1,828.31 for completed projects to the Antelope County One Room Schoolhouse and Drawdown #24 for $600 for general administration to Northeast Nebraska Economic Development District. Bills as presented. Discussion was held with no action taken on the following items: Sale of city property south of water tower Official newspaper publication Ordinance No. 616 fence regulations Proclamation for Mental Health Awareness in May Nursing Home Meeting adjourned at 9:27 P.M /s Joe Hartz, Mayor Attest: Danielle Klabenes, City Clerk A complete copy of the minutes is available for inspection at the office of the City Clerk during normal working hours. Published April 17, 2019 ZNEZ CON COUNCIL APPROVED PD BILLS-DAR PUBLIC TRANSIT, APRIL 9, 2019
BCBS, 21,118.71; COLONIAL, 22.74; HERITAGE BANK, 916.48; IRS, 15,279.61; NDOR, 2,175.99; PINNACLE, 50,915.62; UNEMPLOYMENT, 696.65; UNION BANK, 5,609.23; UNUM INS, 126.00; VISION CARE DIRECT, 277.56. Published April 17, 2019 ZNEZ NOTICE OF MEETING
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the regular meeting of the Neligh City Council will be held Tuesday, April 9, 2019 at 7:00 P.M. at the Neligh City Council Chambers. An agenda kept continuously current is available for inspection at the office of the city clerk. City of Neligh /s/ Danielle Klabenes City Clerk Published April 3, 2019 ZNEZ Neligh City Council Proceedings
The Mayor and City Council of the City of Neligh met in regular session at the City Council Chambers on March 12, 2019 at 7:00 P.M. as published. Also in attendance were City Attorney Jim McNally, Generation Supervisor Josh Capler, Economic Development Director Lauren Sheridan-Simonsen, Police Chief Michael Wright, City Clerk Danielle Klabenes and News Reporters Jenna Hemenway and Carrie Pitzer, Steph Stuhr, Tim Johnson, Joe Lichty, Kelly Oltjenbruns, Tara Purdie, Lucinda Donaldson, Dan & Diann Donaldson and Adam Mortensen. The following agenda items were approved: Approved February 12th special and regular meeting minutes and February treasurer’s report. Approved the 2017-2018 fiscal year audit prepared by Almquist, Maltzahn, Galloway & Luth. Approved the use of Penn Park for Neligh Young Men’s Club celebration of Old Mill Days fireworks display. Resolution 2019-4 approving an application for Lucky Joe’s Liquor Store LLC/ dba Lucky Joe’s Class C Liquor License 122916. Authorized the survey of proposed property south of the water tower. Ordinance 615 for the sale of city property formerly located at 209 Main Street. Authorized the city clerk to segregate the sale proceeds in the General fund for the sale of the city property. Resolution 2019-5 adopting a wage scale for city employees for competitive wages commencing March 2, 2019. Approved the Dial-A-Ride Public Transportation church contracts for $51.73 per week divided equally among participating churches. Authorized and approved the Dial-A-Ride Public Transportation events for the Nebraska Public Transit Week of April 7th – 13th, 2019. Ratified the mayor’s action and approve the 4-year tower lease renewal with Tommark Properties at $100 per month effective March 1, 2019. Resolution 2019-6 adopting the amended Section 125 Plan Document with BASE. Approved a 2-year period publication with Antelope County News. Approved Antelope County News as the official publication for 2019 and 2020 and to revoke the city council action of December 2018 of naming Neligh News and Leader as the official publication. Appointed Melissa Smith to the LB840 Loan Committee for a 4-year term and Megan Wingate to the Library Board to fill an unexpired term to June 2020. Approved the special designated liquor license for Sly’s Family Bar & Grill for May 18, 2019. Approved the hiring of Mike Tabbert for the Assistant ED Director at $13.00 an hour effective March 1st. Accepted the letter of resignation from Jayce Ellenwood. Authorized the Electric Supervisor to offer an employment contract to new employees for payback of expenses in the education of the Merchant program. Economic Director, Police, Electric reports Drawdown #22 for project funds of completed projects for $2,210.48. Bills as presented Discussion was held with no action taken on the following items: • Sale of city property and policy • Ordinance No. 616 Fence regulations • Nursing Home Meeting adjourned at 10:08 P.M /s Joe Hartz, Mayor Attest: Danielle Klabenes, City Clerk A complete copy of the minutes is available for inspection at the office of the City Clerk during normal working hours. Published March 20, 2019 ZNEZ Neligh City Council Special Meeting Proceedings
The Neligh City Council met for a special meeting on Monday, March 11, 2019 at 5:30 P.M. at the Council Chambers pursuant to posted notice on March 7, 2019. Present were Mayor Joe Hartz and Council Members Brent Pickrel, Leonard Miller, Ted Hughes and Dale Wilkinson. Also in attendance were City Attorney Jim McNally, City Clerk Danielle Klabenes, Lori Johnson, News Reporter Jenny Higgins, Steph Stuhr, Heidi Bitney, Jenny Breuer, Duane Eichberger, Steve Simonsen, Kathy Volk and Diann Arehart. The following agenda items were discussed with no action taken: • Lori Johnson of Great Plains Appraisal presented the findings of the feasibility and market study for an intermediate and skilled nursing facility and an assisted living facility. Meeting adjourned at 6:50 P.M. City of Neligh /s/ Joe Hartz Mayor /s/ Danielle Klabenes City Clerk A complete copy of the minutes is available at the office of the city clerk during normal office hours. Published March 20, 2019 ZNEZ ORDINANCE NO. 615
AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF NELIGH, ANTELOPE COUNTY, NEBRASKA, AUTHORIZING THE SALE OF CITY PROPERTY; REPEALING ALL CONFLICTING ORDINANCES OR PARTS OF ORDINANCES AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF NELIGH, NEBRASKA, AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. That by prior City Council action the following described property was advertised for sale as surplus city property, to-wit: Lot 18 and Lot 19 except the North 1 foot thereof, Block 2, City of Neligh, Antelope County, Nebraska That David Buller offered to purchase such property for the sum of $3,000.00 which offer was accepted by the Mayor and Council of The City of Neligh at their regular meeting on the 12th of February, 2019. That such notice of sale was posted in at lease three public places within the City of Neligh on the 13th day of February, 2019 at the following locations: Neligh City Office, Neligh Post Office, Pinnacle Bank SECTION 2. That the sale of the above described property be confirmed and ratified and the Mayor and City Clerk be and hereby are authorized and directed to executed for and on behalf of the City of Neligh a Warranty Deed to such property to the purchaser, David Buller and Melissa Buller, husband and wife, or their nominee. SECTION 3. That all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict are hereby repealed. SECTION 4. That this ordinance shall be in force and effect from and after its passage, approval and publication as required by law. Dated this 12th day of March, 2019. CITY OF NELIGH Mayor of Neligh City Clerk CERTIFICATION I, Danielle Klabenes, clerk of the City of Neligh, Nebraska, hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and complete copy of Ordinance No. 615 of said city, passed by the City Council this 12th day of March, 2019. City Clerk Published March 20, 2019 ZNEZ NOTICE OF MEETING
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the regular meeting of the Neligh City Council will be held Tuesday, March 12, 2019 at 7:00 P.M. at the Neligh City Council Chambers. An agenda kept continuously current is available for inspection at the office of the city clerk. City of Neligh /s/ Danielle Klabenes City Clerk Published March 6, 2019 ZNEZ Neligh City Council Proceedings
The Mayor and City Council of the City of Neligh met in regular session at the City Council Chambers on February 12, 2019 at 7:00 P.M. as published. Also in attendance were City Attorney Jim McNally, Generation Supervisor Josh Capler, City Supt. Dean Bly, Economic Development Director Lauren Sheridan-Simonsen, Police Chief Michael Wright, City Clerk Danielle Klabenes and News Reporters Angie Hupp and Carrie Pitzer, City Engineer John Zwingman, Steph Stuhr, Tim Johnson and Joe Funk. The following agenda items were approved: Approved January 8th regular meeting minutes and January treasurer’s report. Approved to de-obligate the 2017 CDBG funds of $10,192.85 to a separate account already open and to use the funds for home rehab and demolition. Declared a proclamation for Problem Gambling Awareness for the month of March. Approved to open the bid received for the former 209 Main Street lot and vote whether to accept or reject the bid. Resolution 2019-3 to accept the offer of $3,000 for Lot 18 and 19 of Block 2 with the proper posting of sale notices. Approved the renewal agreement with Antelope Memorial Hospital for ambulance services for a 3 year contract beginning March 1, 2019 at $550 per month. Approved the 2019 loan agreement for displaying the jet in Riverside Park between the Dept. of US Air Force and the City of Neligh. Resolution 2019-1 requesting federal funding of $50,997.00 and state funding of $15,835.00 for the two-year fiscal years of 2019-2021 Dial-A-Ride Public Transportation operation. Approved the purchase of a communications tower from Antelope County for $1.00. Approved 4-year tower lease renewal with Central Valley Ag at $500 per year per tower beginning March 1, 2019. Appointed Linda Kuester to the Park Board to fill an unexpired term to December 2021 and Council Member Pickrel to the Northeast Nebraska Economic Development Council of Officials. Approved the Economic Development board recommendation to hire Lauren Sheridan-Simonsen for the Economic Development Director position at $40,000 salary, effective with the current pay period beginning February 2, 2019. Approved the employment contract for Lauren Sheridan-Simonsen as Economic Development Director. Approved a $1,000 contribution from Neligh with Clearwater shared cost of $500 for a one-year trial of the regional program. Approved to forgive the water charge on Pierson Museum by not installing a water meter. Approved the Park Board’s recommendation to begin advertising for summer park and pool personnel. Resolution 2019-2 adopting the One-and-Six Year Street Improvement Plan as prepared by Advanced Consulting Engineering Services. Approved the electric project of building new electric line to a new residential home along 524 th Road above ground as proposed at estimated $9,950.00. Economic Director Assistant, Police, City Supt. and Electric reports Approved Drawdown #20 for project funds of completed projects for $16,757.47 and Drawdown #21 for general administration fees to Northeast Nebraska Economic Development District for $870.00. Approved bills as presented. Discussion was held with no action taken on the following items: Sale of city property south of the Water Tower Ordinance No. 615 Fence regulations Meeting adjourned at 9:55 P.M /s Joe Hartz, Mayor Attest: Danielle Klabenes, City Clerk A complete copy of the minutes is available for inspection at the office of the City Clerk during normal working hours. Published Feb. 20, 2019 ZNEZ NOTICE
Dial-A-Ride Public Transit I. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City of Neligh Dial-A-Ride Public Transit is an Applicant requesting financial assistance from the Federal Transit Administration, pursuant to the Federal Transit Act (FTA), generally described as follows: Description of Project: The area predominantly served is within the city limits at $1.00 per one-way trip; however, provisions are made for out-of-town users within Antelope County at a rate of $1.50 per mile plus $10.00 per hour for the driver. Fees for Sunday church services are $51.73 per week split between participating churches and $1.00 per one-way trip for other non-church transit services in city limits. Sunday transit service hours are 8:00A.M. to 12:00P.M.. Transit service hours for mid-August through Memorial Day run Monday through Friday 8:00AM to 12:00P.M. and 1:00P.M. to 5:00P.M. Service hours for Memorial Day through mid-August run Monday through Friday 9:00A.M. to 12:00P.M. and 1:00P.M. to 4:00P.M. The estimated cost of the project for 2019-2020 and 2020-2021 is $100,447. Federal dollars requested is $50,997, state funds at $15,835, and local property tax share is at $15,835. Elderly and Disabled: The City of Neligh Dial-A-Ride operates a bus with a wheelchair lift to accommodate the special needs of the elderly and/or persons with disabilities. General Public: A copy of the Application for financial assistance of the project is available for public inspection at the City Office 202 Main Street, Neligh, Nebraska, during regular business office hours. Written comments for consideration by Dial-A-Ride Public Transit will be accepted at the City of Neligh office for a period of 10 days ending February 22, 2019. City of Neligh Dial-A-Ride Public Transit Danielle Klabenes, City Clerk Published Feb. 6, 2019 ZNEZ Notice of Renewal
of Retail Liquor License Notice is hereby given that, pursuant to Section 53-135.01, liquor license may be automatically renewed for one year from May 1, 2019, for the following Class D-70072 Liquor Licensee, to wit: Cubby’s Inc. dba Cubby’s Neligh 210 L Street, City of Neligh Antelope County, Nebraska Notice is hereby given that written protests of the issuance of automatic renewal of license may be filed by any resident of the City of Neligh on or before February 10, 2019, in the office of the City Clerk; that in the event protests are filed by three or more such persons, hearings will be had to determine whether continuation of said license should be allowed. City of Neligh /s/ Danielle Klabenes City Clerk Neligh, Nebraska Published Jan. 16, 2019 ZNEZ |
The Antelope County News is a legal publication for
Antelope County, Village of Orchard, Village of Royal, Village of Brunswick, City of Neligh, Nebraska Unified Dist. 1, Orchard Public Schools, Upper Elkhorn NRD, NCPPD and the State of Nebraska. To submit a notice for publication, email to [email protected].
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