Neligh City Council Proceedings
The Mayor and City Council of the City of Neligh met in regular session at the City Council Chambers on February 12, 2019 at 7:00 P.M. as published. Also in attendance were City Attorney Jim McNally, Generation Supervisor Josh Capler, City Supt. Dean Bly, Economic Development Director Lauren Sheridan-Simonsen, Police Chief Michael Wright, City Clerk Danielle Klabenes and News Reporters Angie Hupp and Carrie Pitzer, City Engineer John Zwingman, Steph Stuhr, Tim Johnson and Joe Funk. The following agenda items were approved: Approved January 8th regular meeting minutes and January treasurer’s report. Approved to de-obligate the 2017 CDBG funds of $10,192.85 to a separate account already open and to use the funds for home rehab and demolition. Declared a proclamation for Problem Gambling Awareness for the month of March. Approved to open the bid received for the former 209 Main Street lot and vote whether to accept or reject the bid. Resolution 2019-3 to accept the offer of $3,000 for Lot 18 and 19 of Block 2 with the proper posting of sale notices. Approved the renewal agreement with Antelope Memorial Hospital for ambulance services for a 3 year contract beginning March 1, 2019 at $550 per month. Approved the 2019 loan agreement for displaying the jet in Riverside Park between the Dept. of US Air Force and the City of Neligh. Resolution 2019-1 requesting federal funding of $50,997.00 and state funding of $15,835.00 for the two-year fiscal years of 2019-2021 Dial-A-Ride Public Transportation operation. Approved the purchase of a communications tower from Antelope County for $1.00. Approved 4-year tower lease renewal with Central Valley Ag at $500 per year per tower beginning March 1, 2019. Appointed Linda Kuester to the Park Board to fill an unexpired term to December 2021 and Council Member Pickrel to the Northeast Nebraska Economic Development Council of Officials. Approved the Economic Development board recommendation to hire Lauren Sheridan-Simonsen for the Economic Development Director position at $40,000 salary, effective with the current pay period beginning February 2, 2019. Approved the employment contract for Lauren Sheridan-Simonsen as Economic Development Director. Approved a $1,000 contribution from Neligh with Clearwater shared cost of $500 for a one-year trial of the regional program. Approved to forgive the water charge on Pierson Museum by not installing a water meter. Approved the Park Board’s recommendation to begin advertising for summer park and pool personnel. Resolution 2019-2 adopting the One-and-Six Year Street Improvement Plan as prepared by Advanced Consulting Engineering Services. Approved the electric project of building new electric line to a new residential home along 524 th Road above ground as proposed at estimated $9,950.00. Economic Director Assistant, Police, City Supt. and Electric reports Approved Drawdown #20 for project funds of completed projects for $16,757.47 and Drawdown #21 for general administration fees to Northeast Nebraska Economic Development District for $870.00. Approved bills as presented. Discussion was held with no action taken on the following items: Sale of city property south of the Water Tower Ordinance No. 615 Fence regulations Meeting adjourned at 9:55 P.M /s Joe Hartz, Mayor Attest: Danielle Klabenes, City Clerk A complete copy of the minutes is available for inspection at the office of the City Clerk during normal working hours. Published Feb. 20, 2019 ZNEZ Comments are closed.
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