Neligh City Council Proceedings
The Mayor and City Council of the City of Neligh met in regular session at the City Council Chambers on March 12, 2019 at 7:00 P.M. as published. Also in attendance were City Attorney Jim McNally, Generation Supervisor Josh Capler, Economic Development Director Lauren Sheridan-Simonsen, Police Chief Michael Wright, City Clerk Danielle Klabenes and News Reporters Jenna Hemenway and Carrie Pitzer, Steph Stuhr, Tim Johnson, Joe Lichty, Kelly Oltjenbruns, Tara Purdie, Lucinda Donaldson, Dan & Diann Donaldson and Adam Mortensen. The following agenda items were approved: Approved February 12th special and regular meeting minutes and February treasurer’s report. Approved the 2017-2018 fiscal year audit prepared by Almquist, Maltzahn, Galloway & Luth. Approved the use of Penn Park for Neligh Young Men’s Club celebration of Old Mill Days fireworks display. Resolution 2019-4 approving an application for Lucky Joe’s Liquor Store LLC/ dba Lucky Joe’s Class C Liquor License 122916. Authorized the survey of proposed property south of the water tower. Ordinance 615 for the sale of city property formerly located at 209 Main Street. Authorized the city clerk to segregate the sale proceeds in the General fund for the sale of the city property. Resolution 2019-5 adopting a wage scale for city employees for competitive wages commencing March 2, 2019. Approved the Dial-A-Ride Public Transportation church contracts for $51.73 per week divided equally among participating churches. Authorized and approved the Dial-A-Ride Public Transportation events for the Nebraska Public Transit Week of April 7th – 13th, 2019. Ratified the mayor’s action and approve the 4-year tower lease renewal with Tommark Properties at $100 per month effective March 1, 2019. Resolution 2019-6 adopting the amended Section 125 Plan Document with BASE. Approved a 2-year period publication with Antelope County News. Approved Antelope County News as the official publication for 2019 and 2020 and to revoke the city council action of December 2018 of naming Neligh News and Leader as the official publication. Appointed Melissa Smith to the LB840 Loan Committee for a 4-year term and Megan Wingate to the Library Board to fill an unexpired term to June 2020. Approved the special designated liquor license for Sly’s Family Bar & Grill for May 18, 2019. Approved the hiring of Mike Tabbert for the Assistant ED Director at $13.00 an hour effective March 1st. Accepted the letter of resignation from Jayce Ellenwood. Authorized the Electric Supervisor to offer an employment contract to new employees for payback of expenses in the education of the Merchant program. Economic Director, Police, Electric reports Drawdown #22 for project funds of completed projects for $2,210.48. Bills as presented Discussion was held with no action taken on the following items: • Sale of city property and policy • Ordinance No. 616 Fence regulations • Nursing Home Meeting adjourned at 10:08 P.M /s Joe Hartz, Mayor Attest: Danielle Klabenes, City Clerk A complete copy of the minutes is available for inspection at the office of the City Clerk during normal working hours. Published March 20, 2019 ZNEZ Comments are closed.
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