Orchard Public School
Original Board Meeting Monday, March 11, 2019 5:00 p.m. Agenda 1. Call Meeting to Order 2. Approve Agenda and Recognize Visitors 3. Approve Board Member Absence 4. Public Participation 5. Approve Minutes of Previous Board Meeting 6. Approve Treasurer’s Report 7. Bills for Approval 8. Unified District Update 9. Administrative Reports Information about Upcoming Northern Tier External Visitation 10. KSB Memorandum: Consent to Multiple Representation and Conflict of Interest 11. Discussionand Possible Motion on Selection of Bond/Consolidation Subcommittee 12. Discussion on Site Location for Possible Consolidation 13. Discussion on Alternate Options Based on Bond Election Results 14. Discussion on Unification 15. Discussion on Proposed Summer Projects 16. Letter of Resignation 17. Discussion and Possible Motion on Mowing Bid 18. Discussion and Possible Motion to Approve 19-20 School Calendar *The agenda sequence is provided as a courtesy only. The board reserves the right to consider each item in any sequence it deems appropriate. Therefore, we encourage visitors to attend the meeting from the beginning. The tentative agenda contains a list of subjects known at the time of distribution. A copy of the agenda reflecting any changes will be available for public inspection at the administrative office at Orchard during normal business hours. This agenda may be changed up to 24 hours before the scheduled commencement of the meeting. Published March 6, 2019 ZNEZ Comments are closed.
The Antelope County News is a legal publication for
Antelope County, Village of Orchard, Village of Royal, Village of Brunswick, City of Neligh, Nebraska Unified Dist. 1, Orchard Public Schools, Upper Elkhorn NRD, NCPPD and the State of Nebraska. To submit a notice for publication, email to [email protected].
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