Neligh City Council Proceedings
The City Council of the City of Neligh met in regular session at the City Council Chambers on May 14, 2019 at 7:00 P.M. as published. Mayor Hartz was absent. Also in attendance were City Attorney Jim McNally, City Supt. Dean Bly, Generation Supervisor Josh Capler, Economic Development Director Lauren Sheridan-Simonsen, Police Chief Michael Wright, City Clerk Danielle Klabenes, News Reporters Angie Hupp and Carrie Pitzer, Tom Nelsen, Don Zegers and Stephanie Stuhr. The following agenda items were approved: •Approved April 16th special and April 9th regular meeting minutes and April treasurer’s report. •Approved three special designated liquor licenses for the American Legion for June 6 th with BRAN, the Tilden Legion for a June 15th reception at the Antelope County Fair Building, and Buff’s Dew Drop for a July 6 th event for Neligh Young Men’s Club. •Approved the Citizens Advisory Review Committee’s report on the LB840 program. •Approved a street closure on July 6th from the west side of the alley on 3rd Street to Main Street for the Neligh Young Men’s Club cornhole tournament. •Approved a donation to the Neligh Young Men’s Club of $4,500 from the Electric fund for fireworks and a donation of $3,500 from the Lottery fund for replacing poles and flags. •Approved Ordinance 616 adopting fence regulations. •Approved the recommendation of the NDA for Lots 2 & 3 and Lots 17 & 18 to each have one lot in tax increment financing and one lot without tax increment financing. •Approved the recommendation of the Park Board to hire Trevor Wright as a summer park employee at $9.50 an hour. •Approved the agreement with Ripple Glass for glass recycling with the City of Neligh. •Approved to sell the 1990 F150 pickup and 2005 John Deere mower on surplus property and put up for bids on the Antelope County Exchange. •Economic Director, Police, Electric reports •Approved drawdown #25 for project funds of $3,764.04 for completed projects to the Antelope County One Room Schoolhouse and the Laundromat. •Approved the final pay application with change order deduction to Elkhorn Paving for paving improvements at 7th and P Street for $57,944.20. •Bills as presented. Discussion was held with no action taken on the following items: •Sale of city property south of water tower Entered executive session for the protection of the public interest to discuss contract negotiations on the nursing home. Time: 8:23 P.M. The council reconvened into regular session at 8:57 P.M. No action was taken. Meeting adjourned at 8:58 P.M /s Ted Hughes, Council President Attest: Danielle Klabenes, City Clerk A complete copy of the minutes is available for inspection at the office of the City Clerk during normal working hours. Published May 22, 2019 ZNEZ Comments are closed.
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