The City of Neligh has issued a snow emergency. All vehicles should be moved off of the street by 10 p.m. for street plows. Sidewalk snow may be placed on the city right of way. Snow from private property should not be pushed into the street or alley or placed upon any city right of way. All sidewalks should be cleaned within 5 hours after a storm ceases, unless the storm or snow falls during the night, which the sidewalk should be cleaned before 10 a.m. Residential sidewalks should be cleaned within 24 hours after cessation of storm.
Sunday, March 2
No worship United Methodist Church in Orchard, Page and Ewing. The youth group pancake fundraiser in Orchard has been rescheduled to March 9.
No worship at Park Congregational UCC, Elgin
No worship at First Congregational UCC, Neligh
No worship or Sunday School at Peace United Church of Christ, Tilden